Multi Nuclei - Abdomen

Seamless integration of Multi Nuclei

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Adding multi-nuclei to your Philips 3.0T MR system opens a window of research into other nuclei, in search of metabolic and functional information. Thanks to a seamless integration onto the 3.0T platform, multi-nuclei imaging and spectroscopy become part of your daily clinical workflow. Multi-nuclei imaging or spectroscopy can be run and reconstructed directly from the standard user interface. The nucleus is just a scan parameter like any other sequence parameter. Reconstruction and viewing of multi-nuclei images or spectra, as well as the process for sending the data to PACS is fully integrated, so workflow does not differ from proton imaging. Benefit from improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and simplified spectra¹, by combining body coil decoupling with a transmit-receive surface coil.

  • 1 in 31P and 13C spectroscopy, compared to non-decoupled results.

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