By Philips ∙ Featuring CoxHealth ∙ March 2024 ∙ 4 min read
Many health systems across the US – and globally – continue to face nursing shortages. While the issue began prior to the pandemic, the additional strain put on clinical staff remains even as COVID-19 diminishes. Burnout and experienced nurses leaving their roles take their toll on patient care and efficiency.
Customer story
Reimagining Virtual nursing innovation with CoxHealth
CoxHealth partnered with Philips to implement its innovative platform and expand virtual nursing across all five of its hospitals. Philips eCareManager and Philips Capsule Surveillance brought predictive algorithms and surveillance to its ICUs and Med/Surg units.
CoxHealth leaders have been pleased with the results. Bedside nurses have more time to spend with patients. Through education videos and virtual rounding, patients are more engaged with their own care. Nurses can collaborate with the virtual team, leading to higher satisfaction. Experienced virtual nurses can mentor new nurse graduates and provide an extra set of eyes to catch potential issues early.
On virtual nursing: “Our nurses have more time to invest in relationships with patients."
Beth Polivka Chief Nursing Officer CoxHealth
Like most hospitals today, CoxHealth endured decreasing tenure at the bedside level in critical care and med-surg nursing. Nursing leaders implemented a virtual program that included contributions from nurses in developing workflows and responsibilities. Virtual nurses assisted with tasks like admissions, discharges, documentation and patient education using principles of human-centered design thinking.
“We witness such great things in the Virtual Command Center every single day with continuing collaboration, great catches and improved patient care.”
Dr. Gina Ellerbee Administrative Director of Nursing Practice CoxHealth
With experienced virtual nurses mentoring new staff in real time, CoxHealth has improved efficiency, quality of care and staff satisfaction.1
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[1] Data is derived from CoxHealth internal studies
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