Magnetic Resonance
MR 7700 Unmatched performance and precision
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MR 7700

Unmatched performance and precision

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Experience breakthrough innovation in 3.0T imaging with the unique design of the Philips MR 7700 imaging system, enhanced with XP gradients and artificial intelligence (AI)*. The system is built to address a pressing need to deliver on the clinical expectations of today, and to facilitate the most demanding research programs. The MR 7700 provides high accuracy, power, and endurance to support confident diagnosis for every patient. It is the system of choice for highest quality diffusion imaging and advanced neuroscience. Extend your scanning capabilities with a fully integrated multi-nuclei imaging and spectroscopy solution to explore new clinical pathways without sacrificing clinical imaging workflow or wide-bore patient comfort. What’s more? The MR 7700 promises a great experience for both users and patients through the ease-of-use features of a well-designed clinical 3.0T scanner together with a no compromise workflow. Now scientists and clinicians alike can schedule without conflict.


RF Receive
RF Receive
Number of independent receive channels
  • Channel independent
Location of analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  • Inside the coil, close to receive channels
Signal chain from coil to reconstructor
  • Fully digital
  • Yes
RF transmit
RF transmit
Parallel RF transmission
  • Yes
Output power
  • ≥ 2 x 18 kW
Siting information
Siting information
Minimum siting requirement
  • 3.4 m x 5.3 m
Ceiling height (minimum)
  • 2.56 m
Guided exam set-up
  • Yes
Auto patient centering
  • Yes
Touchless respiratory-triggering
  • Yes
In-room exam start
  • Yes
ScanWise Implant
  • Yes
Automated planning and scanning
  • Yes
Automated patient coaching
  • Yes
Automated post-processing
  • Yes
XP gradients
XP gradients
Max. amplitude for each axis
  • 65 mT/m
Max. slew rate for each axis
  • 220 T/m/s
Magnet system
Magnet system
Field strength
  • 3.0T
Bore design
  • 70 cm
Magnet weight
  • 4800 kg
Typical homogeneity V-RMS
  • ≤ 0.9 ppm (at 45 cm DSV)
HeliumSave technology
  • Yes (zero boil-off)
Maximum FOV
  • 55 cm
Cryogen boil-off rate
  • 0 liter/hour (under regular scanning conditions)
RF Receive
RF Receive
Number of independent receive channels
  • Channel independent
Location of analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  • Inside the coil, close to receive channels
RF transmit
RF transmit
Parallel RF transmission
  • Yes
Output power
  • ≥ 2 x 18 kW
See all specifications
RF Receive
RF Receive
Number of independent receive channels
  • Channel independent
Location of analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  • Inside the coil, close to receive channels
Signal chain from coil to reconstructor
  • Fully digital
  • Yes
RF transmit
RF transmit
Parallel RF transmission
  • Yes
Output power
  • ≥ 2 x 18 kW
Siting information
Siting information
Minimum siting requirement
  • 3.4 m x 5.3 m
Ceiling height (minimum)
  • 2.56 m
Guided exam set-up
  • Yes
Auto patient centering
  • Yes
Touchless respiratory-triggering
  • Yes
In-room exam start
  • Yes
ScanWise Implant
  • Yes
Automated planning and scanning
  • Yes
Automated patient coaching
  • Yes
Automated post-processing
  • Yes
XP gradients
XP gradients
Max. amplitude for each axis
  • 65 mT/m
Max. slew rate for each axis
  • 220 T/m/s
Magnet system
Magnet system
Field strength
  • 3.0T
Bore design
  • 70 cm
Magnet weight
  • 4800 kg
Typical homogeneity V-RMS
  • ≤ 0.9 ppm (at 45 cm DSV)
HeliumSave technology
  • Yes (zero boil-off)
Maximum FOV
  • 55 cm
Cryogen boil-off rate
  • 0 liter/hour (under regular scanning conditions)
  • * According to the definition of AI from the EU High-Level Expert Group.
  • 1 Compared to Ingenia Elition X with Vega HP gradients.
  • 2 Compared to Ingenia Elition X with Vega HP gradients, measured in brain white matter.
  • 3 Compared to Philips DTI/fMRI scans without MultiBand SENSE.
  • 4 Measured from start of first scan to end of last reconstruction. Includes 1H (T2w TSE, T2w FLAIR, SSh DWI, and 3D T1w FFE pre&post) + 23Na (with a voxel size <= than 4mm isotropic).
  • 5 Compared to Philips scans without Compressed SENSE.

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