Patient Monitor Module Hemodynamic FloTrac

Patient Monitor Module

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The new FloTrac module integrates Edwards Lifesciences FloTrac technology into your Philips bedside monitor, which can help to optimize your anesthesia workspace.

Proactive decision support
Proactive decision support

Proactive decision support

The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*

Proactive decision support

Proactive decision support
The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*

Proactive decision support

The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*
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Proactive decision support
Proactive decision support

Proactive decision support

The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*
Bedside availability, full network integration
Bedside availability, full network integration

Bedside availability, full network integration

The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*

Bedside availability, full network integration

Bedside availability, full network integration
The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*

Bedside availability, full network integration

The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*
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Bedside availability, full network integration
Bedside availability, full network integration

Bedside availability, full network integration

The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*
The power of integrated solutions
The power of integrated solutions

The power of integrated solutions

Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*

The power of integrated solutions

The power of integrated solutions
Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*

The power of integrated solutions

Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*
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The power of integrated solutions
The power of integrated solutions

The power of integrated solutions

Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*
  • Proactive decision support
  • Bedside availability, full network integration
  • The power of integrated solutions
See all features
Proactive decision support
Proactive decision support

Proactive decision support

The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*

Proactive decision support

Proactive decision support
The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*

Proactive decision support

The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*
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Proactive decision support
Proactive decision support

Proactive decision support

The provided continuous clarity offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and helps you to ensure adequate patient perfusion.*
Bedside availability, full network integration
Bedside availability, full network integration

Bedside availability, full network integration

The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*

Bedside availability, full network integration

Bedside availability, full network integration
The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*

Bedside availability, full network integration

The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*
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Bedside availability, full network integration
Bedside availability, full network integration

Bedside availability, full network integration

The FloTrac module is suitable for use in both high- and mid-acuity environments. As a single-slot module, it integrates seamlessly into your existing hardware and hospital network.*
The power of integrated solutions
The power of integrated solutions

The power of integrated solutions

Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*

The power of integrated solutions

The power of integrated solutions
Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*

The power of integrated solutions

Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*
Click here for more information
The power of integrated solutions
The power of integrated solutions

The power of integrated solutions

Integration with your Philips bedside device allows for better utilization of your Philips monitor with minimally invasive hemodynamic FloTrac parameters. The required space, setup complexity and costs are low.*
  • *Philips data on file

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