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Expand the reach of your telehealth program. Transform your eICU into a versatile enterprise telehealth center. eConsult connects bedside caregivers with specialists regardless of location helping you provide each patient gets the right care at the right time.
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ContinueeConsultant telestroke program features and services
eConsultant telestroke program features and services
eConsultant telestroke program features and services
Telestroke module
Telestroke module
Telestroke module
Evidence-based support
Evidence-based support
Evidence-based support
Workflow without limits
Workflow without limits
Workflow without limits
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
Implementation services
Implementation services
Implementation services
Training and support
Training and support
Training and support
eConsultant telestroke program features and services
eConsultant telestroke program features and services
eConsultant telestroke program features and services
Telestroke module
Telestroke module
Telestroke module
Evidence-based support
Evidence-based support
Evidence-based support
Workflow without limits
Workflow without limits
Workflow without limits
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
A proven, scalable methodology
Implementation services
Implementation services
Implementation services
Training and support
Training and support
Training and support
The eConsultant program is an episodic care telehealth solution that leverages your existing telehealth infrastructure and helps transform an operational eICU program into an enterprise telehealth center. By expanding eICU’s care model to other care settings in the health system, eConsultant provides that bedside caregivers can be supported by clinical specialists whenever necessary, regardless of geography. Applications include Telestroke and Skilled Nursing Facility
eConsultant applies eICU program processes, technology and best practice guidelines to economically and efficiently improve clinical outcomes and lack of access to specialists across a care system.
In a 10-year study, researchers found that when a telestroke program was implemented, the door to needle time was cut in half (from 80 to 40 minutes).³ A telestroke network also results in cost savings. During a five-year period, researchers found that in a health system of 1 hub hospital and 7 spokes, a telestroke network was associated with more than $350,000 in cost savings each year.⁴ Researchers also estimated that a telestroke network had an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of greater than $2,400 per quality-adjusted life-year over a patient’s lifetime compared with no telestroke.⁵
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