NEURI Bicêtre optimizes neurovascular decision-making with Philips Azurion Neuro suite with ClarityIQ

By Philips ∙ Featuring: Professor Laurent Spelle, Jildaz Caroff, MD, Professor Jacques Moret ∙ 2022 ∙ 3 min read


Image-guided therapy

Customer story

Customer testimonial video of Philips Azurion Neuro suite 7 B20/15 with ClarityIQ at NEURI Bicêtre, Paris, France

Video highlights - Total duration [3:07]

  • Neurovascular decisions are based on what you see - excellent image quality at low dose is a significant advantage
  • High image quality in 2D and 3D is vital. Designed together with experienced users, clinicians note the importance of clarity for picture quality and dose delivery, and digital zoom capability for magnification
  • 3D brings improved measurement precision, speed and efficiency to neurovascular treatment, while being easy to use
  • SmartCT interface brings ease of use, speed and efficiency to the treatment

“I always say to the young doctors, if you don’t see then you don’t understand and if you don’t understand, you cannot treat. And 3D is the key tool. The Philips Azurion with SmartCT is, for sure, the best system ever made by Philips. It has profited from the experience provided by the users, making it incredibly easy to use.”

Photo of Professor Laurent Spelle, NEURI Bicêtre

Professor Laurent Spelle 

Chef de Service, NEURI Bicêtre, Paris, France

In this video, Professor Laurent Spelle, Chef de Service and Jildaz Caroff, MD, interventional neuroradiologist, and Professor Jacques Moret, Chef de Service Honoraire, all from the NEURI Bicêtre, Paris, France discuss the ways in which the Philips Neuro suite has helped them determine the best course of often complex treatment with greater confidence, and deliver it equipped by the state-of-the-art Azurion image-guided therapy biplane system.

“3D precision brings better measurement precision and allows us to gain a better understanding of the anatomy. Now with the Smart CT interface, it is very easy to use. We can do all of the measurements in the angio suite without leaving the patient. It brings speed to the treatment but also, for example, in the middle of the night, few people are in the room with me and it gives them the opportunity to be more efficient and help me more with the treatment.”

racquel ingram

Jildaz Caroff, MD

Interventional neuroradiologist, NEURI Bicêtre, Paris, France

Explaining their experience with the Philips Azurion Neuro suite 7 B20/15 with ClarityIQ at NEURI hospital, they discuss the excellent image quality, clarity and digital zoom, the superior workflow for 2D/3D imaging and the SmartCT for accessible 3D imaging, highlighting the importance of 3D imaging in enabling precision measurements and improving the speed and efficiency of their work.

The system has been designed in collaboration with expert users. As Professor Jacques Moret, Chef de Service Honoraire, concludes;


“You have full control of what you’re doing. The ergonomy has reached a new level. It’s comfortable, its easy, it suits what we need…I don’t know a single system in the world which is as reliable in terms of repositioning and stability.”

Photo of Jacques Moret, NEURI Bicêtre

Professor Jacques Moret

Chef de Service Honoraire, NEURI Bicêtre, Paris, France

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