FieldStrength MRI hub
FieldStrength provides articles on latest trends and insights, MRI best practices and clinical cases, application tips and more by and for Philips MRI users. Please subscribe to our FieldStrength MRI newsletter to receive the latest articles via e-mail.
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FieldStrength MRI articles, FieldStrength MRI newsletter, and FieldStrength MRI magazine are produced by Philips Healthcare for the Philips MRI user community. Some articles may describe research conducted outside the USA on equipment not yet available for commercial distribution in the USA. Some products referenced may not be licensed for sale in Canada.
Philips Healthcare reserves the right to make changes in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time without notice or obligation and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this publication.
FieldStrength issue 59 – 2023
FieldStrength issue 58 - 2022
FieldStrength issue 57 - 2020
FieldStrength issue 56 – 2019
FieldStrength issue 55 – 2018
Clinical cases from nearly every anatomy
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