Staying on schedule with fast, high-quality images at Clinique Saint-Augustin

By Philips, Featuring Dr. Stéphane Gellée | April, 2023 | 14:00 min


Magnetic resonance


Women with MRI system

Webinar highlights - Total duration [14:00]

  • [0:50] Why did we choose the MR 5300? 
  • [1:12] Image quality and diagnostic accuracy
  • [2:12] A typical day at St. Augustin Institute
  • [2:55] Brain ischemic stroke imaging
  • [4:12] Pelvis endometriosis imaging 
  • [5:24] 3D Orthopaedic imaging
  • [8:14] Advanced activities
  • [13:28] Take home message

Expert Forum Webinar - learn more about the clinical capabilities of MR 5300

Dr. Stephane Gellee, an MR Radiologist at the Clinique Saint-Augustin will share a few clinical case studies showcasing the high image quality that can be quickly obtained.

Speakers list

Stephane Gellee

Stephane Gellee, MD

Radiologist, Saint Augustin Hospital, Bordeaux, France

“I noticed a real improvement with the MR 5300 on digestive imaging, mainly on livers and pancreas. Also the contrast has really improved and the resolution is of really good quality”

Dr. Stéphane Gellée, MR Radiologist

Saint-Augustin Clinic,

Bordeaux, France

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