Wondering how to make your MR services more predictable, productive and cost-effective? Helium-free MR operations are the way forward. Helium is a finite resource, this can add extra complexity and unpredictability to your MR operations and budget. That’s why we developed the revolutionary BlueSeal magnet. Based on a decade of innovation, it operates with only seven liters of liquid helium, instead of the usual 1,500 liters. It is fully sealed, freeing up your MR operations from potential helium complications. On top of that, the Ingenia Ambition 1.5T ensures high-quality scanning, reliable performance and easy siting. Are you ready for this new reality in MR?
Philips BlueSeal magnet uses a highly efficient, new micro-cooling technology. It is fully sealed, so no helium can escape,2 either suddenly during a loss of field or gradually. This can have a dramatic impact on the continuity, security and cost of your MR operations.
Now you can have it all with the Ingenia Ambition. It offers opportunities to improve your MR imaging at every level.
SmartSpeed SmartSpeed AI enables to decrease the scan time up to 65% with equal or better image quality
Staff experience Support a better staff experience with workflow that provides guidance and automation where needed.
Diagnostic confidence Expand your imaging capabilities in all clinical areas. See how your peers are benefiting.
The Ingenia Ambition 1.5 Tesla magnet is the next generation of MR technology. It brings together the most important aspects of having a successful MR system.
Constantino Peña
Medical Director of Vascular Imaging at Baptist Hospital, Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute
This isn’t just something that will help us save energy. As cooling 1500 liters of helium uses a lot of energy. But this will also save us money and help us be more environmentally friendly.
Dr. Marίa del Mar Travieso
Head of Radiology Department, Hospitales San Roque, Spain
There are lots of applications that can improve the workflow. Like Compressed SENSE, VitalEye and VitalScreen. We feel that this system combines both safety and improved workflow.
Radiologist Technician, Tokai University, Japan
Find out how the Ingenia Ambition 1.5T can take your MR operations to a new level.
Now you can have it all with the Ingenia Ambition. It offers opportunities to improve your MR services at every level.
Speed & Comfort Provide up to 40% reduction in breath holds, with virtually equal image quality4.
Work smart from the start Keep focus on scanning while reviewing results, post-processing results or preparing a next patient.
Proactive energy management Up to 53% lower power consumption per patient scan6.
This innovative solution offers many clinical, operational and financial benefits.
Download the Ingenia Ambition 1.5T brochure
Learn more about the product details
Learn how MCVI boosts MRI quality.
A leap in pediatric MRI confidence at Altona Children’s Hospital.
1 According to the definition of AI from the EU High-Level Expert Group. 2 Even in the rare case of the magnet becoming unsealed, the negligible amount of helium escaping would not materially affect the oxygen level within the room. 3 Compared to Philips scans without Compressed SENSE. 4 For a low heart rate (50 bpm), compared to Philips scans without Compressed SENSE. 5 In isotropic 3D MSK VIEW scans, compared to Philips scans without Compressed SENSE.
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