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    Choose your  USB-C Docking solution:

    USB-C docking logo

    USB-C Docking

    Highly powerful

    Say goodbye to chargers and power cables. One USB-C port delivers up to 90W to your laptop or smart devices, bringing order and convenience to your digital workspace. Philips monitors are tested to ensure compatibility with a wide range of laptop and phone brands and models.

    Data logo


    Blazingly fast

    The latest USB 3.2 standard provides 20 times the speed of USB 2.0, making you more productive as your data transfers are now completed in a fraction of the time you were used to. A full 4K movie, for instance, can be transferred in less than 60 seconds.

    Ethernet logo


    Ethernet RJ45

    On top of the multiport USB hub, we uniquely provide also an Ethernet (RJ45) port for added convenience.

    Innovating connectivity with USB docking

    Innovating connectivity with USB docking
    USB-C banner


    A single USB-C can really change your user experience and the way you work. No more chargers, power and signal cables, the one-for-all solution delivers up to 90W to your laptop or smart devices and brings order to your digital workspace.

    USB-C products

    USB Docking banner

    USB Docking

    The best solution, designed for corporate and office environment, is the unique USB-C docking that combines USB-C, RJ45 and DP-out for added convenience. This replaces perfectly any external bulky docking standalone, reducing unwanted clutter on the desks, but assuring high connectivity.

    USB Docking Pro banner

    USB Docking Pro

    For professional users that need the most advanced and comprehensive solution, Philips designed monitors a vertical hybrid docking that allows an even more versatile connectivity that feature universal port replication and assures higher quality for power, data and audio/video delivery.

    Hybrid connection

    Part of our Pro Docking line-up, Philips monitors also provide solutions for users of laptops that can be connected only through the traditional USB-A. Hybrid monitors offer a built-in USB docking station, equipped with DisplayLink technology that feature universal port replication, so users gain access to office peripherals, including keyboard, mouse and RJ-45 Ethernet cable, through a single dual-mesh USB cable with type C and type A connector.

    Hybrid connection

    Pomoc, podpora a aktualizácie

    Zaregistrujte svoj monitor

    Vytvorte si bezplatné konto My Philips a zaregistrujte svoj nový monitor. Po registrácii vás budeme informovať, keď budú k dispozícii nové aktualizácie.

    Aktualizácie softvéru

    Udržiavajte svoj televízor Philips v najlepšej forme. Ak je k dispozícii nová aktualizácia softvéru, nájdete ju tu. Ak stratíte nejaké ovládače, takisto si ich tu môžete bezplatne stiahnuť.

    Platforma podpory

    Sprievodca riešením problémov s televízorom Philips je najrýchlejší spôsob riešenia akýchkoľvek technických problémov a nastavení. Pomocou týchto praktických tipov a trikov bude váš televízor opäť funkčný za pár sekúnd.


    Sme tu, aby sme vám pomohli. Ak potrebujete radu pri nákupe monitoru Philips alebo potrebujete pomoc s jeho nastavením, môžete sa na nás obrátiť telefonicky, e-mailom alebo cez online čet.

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